Kick off 2021 with Virtual Craft-Alongs and Brown Sheep Yarn

We are thrilled to see some of our favorite crafting blogs kick off 2021 with craft-alongs featuring Brown Sheep yarns! We want to make sure you’re in the know about these virtual events open to crafters anywhere, from the comfort of your own home.

Knitters AND weavers – you’re in for a treat if you love beautiful color palettes and new and unique projects that will challenge you just enough to take you to that next level in your craft. Plus, you get the opportunity to learn alongside hundreds of other crafters with help and support from experts along the way.
Today we’re spotlighting Modern Daily Knitting and Yarnworker. Both of these sites go well beyond the scope of your typical blog.
Modern Daily Knitting would be like the ultimate encyclopedia on knitting, if encyclopedias were entertaining and hilarious to read. The MDK website is full of all types of content from knitting tips to articles on self-care and reading recommendations. You’ll probably end up spending a few hours going down ‘the ultimate rabbit hole for knitters’.

MDK hosts an annual knitalong in February – usually it’s been “Bang Out a Sweater”, with the goal of knitting an entire sweater during the shortest month of the year. This year, they are mixing it up with a fantastically colorful felted rug called Kiki Mariko. This is the felted project we’ve been waiting on for years – modern, quick knitting, bold, and knit entirely with Lamb’s Pride Bulky and size 15 needles. We can’t wait to see our Instagram feeds fill up with all the different colorways and works in progress.
Project kits for the Kiki Mariko rug are available from MDK, or choose your own colors of Lamb’s Pride Bulky!
For our weavers or those who want to become weavers: Yarnworker is an incredible resource for learning to weave. This online school is devoted to rigid-heddle weaving: think portable, affordable, simple looms that can be used to weave millions of designs and projects.

Yarnworker offers a wide variety of classes along with weave-alongs that highlight different skills and techniques. This year’s first weave-along is a beautiful ruana woven in two layers and made with our Prairie Spun DK or Cotton Fleece for those wanting to wear a lighter weight. This project is an excellent opportunity to learn about color theory in weaving and the intriguing technique of weaving double– yep, two layers at a time!
We’re offering a bundle of 6 skeins to make the beautiful ruana in the sample – or of course, choose your own color palette. Yarnworker has some great tips for choosing colors with the perfect contrast.
Both of these events start right away, so jump on board and get started!
We are SO excited to see our yarn travel across the country and around the world to make these wonderful projects happen– we can’t wait to see what you make in 20201.
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