Join Us for a Mystery Knitalong!

You’re invited to join a special knitalong for spring 2021: the pattern is a mystery! Keep up your knitting momentum with the perfect spring project.
Without giving too much away–here are a few specs about the mystery project: it’s an easy-to-wear triangular shawl knit in 3 colors of Prairie Spun DK. Stitches include lots of soothing garter along with slipped stitch patterning.
We’re going to reveal the mystery pattern in 4 clues to be delivered by email. The first clue is released on April 27, so stock up on yarn now! Enjoy watching the pattern unfold as you stitch along with us throughout the month of May.
We want to encourage you to head to your local yarn shop to pick up 3 skeins of Prairie Spun DK– the ideal lightweight wool to knit as the days get warmer and sunnier! For those who don’t have an LYS nearby, we’ve stocked our web shop with MKAL kits in 4 color combinations — choose one of ours, or be creative and pick 3 colors you love from our Prairie Spun palette. Be sure to use the code “MayMKAL” at checkout to get free shipping on a yarn kit or any Prairie Spun DK skeins.
This brings us to another exciting announcement we’ve had in the works for a while now… we’re adding a new “social” component to our website! We invite you to be a part of Spinning Yarns, our new online community. Think of it as a streamlined version of your favorite social media site — and it’s all about yarn! Forget about the politics and drama that tend to bog down other social media arenas. Spinning Yarns is a space for Brown Sheep yarn enthusiasts to share photos, encourage one another, swap favorite patterns and tips, and more.
To join Spinning Yarns, simply follow the link to register and create a simple profile– you can add a photo and a short bio, if you choose. Then look for groups that interest you, or create one of your own! You can “like” or comment on others’ posts, just like on Facebook or Instagram. Our 2021 Mystery Knitalong group is a great place to get started – join and share your progress as you knit along with us!
We think that yarn has a way of building community and connection, and we’re so excited to watch that happen right here on our site! As a special incentive to jump on board, we’re giving away PRIZES for a couple of lucky knitters who complete the following: join the 2021 MKAL group on Spinning Yarns, and post a photo of the completed shawl! Earn additional entries by posting to Instagram with the hashtag #BrownSheepMKAL2021 .
We can’t wait to knit along with you this spring! We’re so excited to watch the mystery unravel and see everyone’s projects come together.
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