Have you discovered Nature Spun?

I’ve noticed that most Brown Sheep fans are all about Lamb’s Pride. . . in fact, many knitters out there only think of Lamb’s Pride when they think of Brown Sheep yarn! Don’t get me wrong, I think Lamb’s Pride is awesome but. . . Nature Spun deserves more attention that it has been getting.
Nature Spun is a classic, 100% wool 3-ply yarn. The wool is U.S. grown and comes from the Front Range of Colorado and into Wyoming. All of our wool here is tested for fineness (micron count), and only the softest fibers go in to Nature Spun. Nature Spun is made in fingering, sport, worsted, and chunky weights in 80 different colors.
Let me convey an experience I had trying to knit colorwork recently: I began the project using several colors of Superwash wool in sport weight. This was a stranded, Norwegian style hat for my husband and my first attempt at the project turned out to be too big. I decided to re-do the project with a new gauge: Nature Spun Fingering and smaller needles. Something unexpected happened on this go-around: my colorwork looked WAY better in Nature Spun! The stitches were so much more even and better defined. After some pondering I concluded that, of course, non-superwash wool is much better suited for intricate colorwork because the barbs in the wool fiber stick together better.
Here is my hat in Nature Spun Fingering, blocking. The first version of this hat ended up in Newfoundland.
So now as I progress further and further into fiber snobbishness, I realize that I much prefer knitting with natural wool fiber as opposed to superwash treated fiber. Not only do the stitches cling together better, the stitches are more forgiving if you happen to drop a stitch or make a mistake. Stitches actually stay in place rather than slipping undone, which is a major plus for a knitter who depends on being able to fix my mistakes as I go. This is especially helpful for lace or openwork styles of knitting.
There’s certainly a time and place for knitting with Superwash–socks and kids come to mind. But for making an adult sweater or accessory– Nature Spun is the way to go. Nature Spun has been making an appearance in many of the knitting magazines and publications lately.
Here is a project that is definitely on my queue. This pattern is called Polonaise by Ashwini Jambhekar.
This gorgeous sweater in Nature Spun worsted was inspired by Romantic era dresses
This comes from an online subscription-based magazine called Holla Knits! Check out their website and blog (featuring yarn giveaways!)
This site features fun patterns that are SO not frumpy! I’m having fun following this new site and I think you should check it out, too.
August 31, 2021 at 12:08 pm
Lou paddocjk
Can you mix lambs pride and nature spun in the same project
Lou paddock
January 3, 2022 at 5:55 pm
Absolutely! Just be sure to match the weights. You’ll want to use Lamb’s Pride Worsted with Nature Spun Worsted. And don’t forget to hand wash cold and lay flat to dry.
November 18, 2020 at 8:17 am
Roseann Williams
Good morning from Virginia!
How may I obtain the lovely pattern for your hat with sheep and pine trees….it calls to my heart, being from Minnesota originally, a spinner for 40 and knitter for 50 years, and a former shepherd.
Blessings, Roseann