Bus Tours to Brown Sheep Company!

What happens when you combine a group of 50+ knitters/crocheters, a tour bus, and a yarn mill? This kind of trip combines education and shopping with sight-seeing and camaraderie. The result is a whole lot of fun and happiness.

We have enjoyed welcoming a group from the wonderful ImagiKnit yarn shop in Omaha, Nebraska. They have to travel the entire length of the state (about 450 miles), which is about 7 hours of knitting time on the bus. Scenery along the journey includes Chimney Rock and Scotts Bluff National Monument, both well-known landmarks along the Oregon Trail.

We’re used to welcoming travelers to our mill in small groups, but needless to say, a group of 50 adds another dimension of enthusiasm and excitement to the atmosphere in the mill and outlet shop.

The group enjoyed learning all about Brown Sheep Company’s history and seeing how we spin, dye, and package our yarn. Everyone loved shopping for mill ends, seconds, spinning fiber and more after the tours.

We love meeting and connecting with the knitters, crocheters, weavers, and spinners who make wonderful things with our wool!

We’re honored that the ImagiKnit team values our Nebraska-made yarns enough to journey all the way across the state. We hope everyone on the tours went home with a better understanding and appreciation for where their favorite yarn comes from, and the work and passion that goes into making it.

We would love for all of our local yarn shops to have the opportunity to learn and connect with us – maybe we’ll see you all soon for a tour!